216 Software is committed to solving software problems. Matthew Wilson and Robert Heinen have been designing software and websites
professionally for the past ten years. If you have a problem that can be solved with software, we’ll figure out a way to build it.
How we work
Other shops can build what you tell them to build, especially if you write excruciatingly detailed feature requirements documents for them. But we don’t ask you to define feature sets for us. We work differently than that.
In simple terms, the most important thing for us is understanding what you need and why you need it. So we focus on learning as much as we can about your world before we start writing code. Once we understand the needs, we’ll figure out a simple and elegant solution.
Our areas of expertise
- Websites designed to reach your target market
- Web and mobile application design and development
- Full-text search systems (for example, search through corporate documents for certain topics)
- Geospatial / location-based services (for example, find nearby farmers markets)
- Natural language analysis (in other words, using computers to extract facts from text)